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Votre photographe Lifestyle, Portrait, Mariage, fan du moody style, de New York et des séries américaines !

Woman portrait session in Paris


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dividerI’m back today with a new woman portrait session in Paris. I really had fun to do this session with Mona. This was not our first time together as I already shot her on this editorial shoot for Pretties magazine #2. We have been talking about this session for almost 2 years without scheduling one date. Finally the other night I was logged in my Instagram account and saw  a PM notification. That was Mona and 3 days later, we have made it in Paris. It was cold and windy so we headed up to Starbucks for a warm coffee and muffins.

Here is the lovely Mona…

GLAM FAIRY PHOTOGRAPHY, Woman portrait session in Paris

A portrait session you try, do not hesitate to contact me by mail! g



Des images à regarder  jour après jour.
Le plaisir de feuilleter ses albums photos
Des souvenirs à afficher aux murs.

De la photo de nouveau-né au portrait de famille, pensez à réserver votre séance photo au plus vite.

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Vous souhaitez prendre contact avec moi ? Rien de plus simple. Envoyez-moi votre demande via le formulaire en ligne ci-joint.

+33 0/681 148 609
