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Votre photographe Lifestyle, Portrait, Mariage, fan du moody style, de New York et des séries américaines !

Invitation to sensual and intimate boudoir

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In a society where fashion, advertising or celebrites are imposing the cult of thinnes, we as women are fighting with with self-acceptance.

Not easy to accept and love yourself when you see all these (supposed) perfect woman bodies in the magazines or on TV. Let’s talk about weight loss, diet or detox plans. It is obvious they are part of our life and habits. And I guess we would all like to have the same flat belly and booty as  Kayla Itsines or Sonia Tlev.

Unfortunately Mother Nature (she’s very mean) has not given us the same genetic code. Many of us should live with their curves having a complex impact on women. Accept your body, love it, no matter how fashion is made for skinnies.

Active woman, entrepreneur or housewife, we are all with our same complexes and fighting them. Accepting yourself means also you put yourself in a better position to begin improving yourself. The boudoir can be a way to achieve this. Being undressed in front of a photographer is not easy and the photographer’s duty is to make the client feel at ease and in confidence.

Gaëlle has experimented a boudoir session at her place. We had mailed quite a lot before the session. Gaëlle was a bit stressed at the begining but it turns out that she was really at ease after a 2 hour session.  She has curves, she is beautiful! And herreaction when she at first saw her photos on the gallery. She couldn’t hide her joy and pride. Here is what she wrote to me on Messenger:

“Wouahhh I don’t know what to say to you. This is beautiful…The photos are beautiful. They are amazing what you made with the light and details! It’s stupid to say that, but I find myself beautiful. I do not see my body imperfections but a beautiful woman with curves. Thank you”

Here are (male) feedbacks on Facebook:

“Holly cow! This is beautiful! She has nice curves, she is voluptuous. It is gorgeous! »
«Me too I see a beautiful woman with beautiful curves;)!»  Awesome! »

So was it a successful challenge?

Facebook is a small world! Gaëlle is a cousin of one of my friend’s husband.


The Boudoir, a tool of disinhibition for beauty…
Would you like to live the experience, feel free to contact me by mail!



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